English proficiency levels tutoring in English

English proficiency levels tutoring in English

“I’m pretty fluent in English.”

Have you ever said something like this and then questioned yourself? What exactly does “essentially fluent” mean? Does this suggest you’re a C2 user who’s already at the top of the language-learning mountain?

English “fluency” begins several levels lower than C2! This is because of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR is an international standard for measuring language aptitude, with a scale ranging from A1 (beginners) to C2 (language masters). There are numerous free online exams available to determine your CEFR level. You may also take official language proficiency tests like IELTS, which will provide employers with documented confirmation of your English level. This guide will assist you in comparing your skills to each English proficiency level and estimating how long it will take to acquire each level.

CEFR Level A1: Beginner

At A1 level English, you are referred to be a “super-beginner” because you have very little grasp of the language. You will, nonetheless, be able to manage everyday circumstances using regularly used idioms and vocabulary (as long as the situation is familiar). This means you’ll be able to go around London, Vancouver, and Los Angeles – but only with poor exchanges and a lot of Google Translate! A1 English learners speak slowly and with pauses while looking for the correct word, therefore native speakers may need to be patient to have a true discussion.

CEFR Level A2: Pre-Intermediate

At the A2 level, or “Elementary,” you can participate in regular small talk and express your views, but only in very simple ways and on familiar topics. At this point, you will begin to go deeply into the past and future tenses, delving into your background (“Before I came here, I lived in Italy”) and ambitions (“In the next 5 years, I plan to build my own company”). You’ll still have extremely short exchanges and will need to rely on a native speaker to drive the conversation. The native speaker’s experience with you, on the other hand, will be significantly more pleasant than that of an A1 user!

Level B1 of the CEFR is intermediate.

The transition from A2 to B1 is significant, and it indicates that you have gained confidence in English. This is the time when you can go into apparel stores and restaurants and make requests of employees with ease. However, while addressing a topic that you are familiar with, your sentences will still feel slow and you will struggle. Students at this level have progressed beyond the fundamentals, but they are still unable to work or study only in English. However, you may deal with challenges in regular life, such as entering unprepared conversations or dealing with problems that happen when traveling. When you reach B1, you should have a working vocabulary of roughly 2500 words, and you should be able to recall about half of them quickly. The B1 Cambridge examination requires roughly 350-400 hours of language study.

Upper-intermediate (CEFR Level B2)

Welcome to the world of basic English fluency! You have developed confidence and control when speaking, writing, listening, and reading in English at the B2 level. This level of English allows you to work in English-speaking companies, schools, and universities, and you can now generate complex phrases and sound natural in normal discussions. Sure, your English has a distinct flavor or accent, and you’re far from prepared to deliver a speech on Kantian philosophy. You now have the linguistic abilities to live comfortably in an English-speaking country and work in an English-speaking office. By B2, you should have a working vocabulary of around 4000 words. The B2 Cambridge examination requires roughly 500-600 hours of language study.

CEFR Level C1 Advanced

C1 is a high level of English. C1 users can speak English fluently and understand the language in (nearly!) its entirety. You should be able to hold lengthier conversations about unexpected topics by this point. You’ll also be able to understand lengthy English texts. At this point, you can utilize English for business and academic purposes daily. If B2 is considered “fluent,” C1 is fluency with more nuance and comprehension. At C1, you can comprehend subtle linguistic jokes and express yourself using colorful native terms. When you achieve C1, your working vocabulary should be over 8000 words, which is nearly double that of B2. It takes roughly 700-800 hours of language practice to pass the C1 Cambridge examination.

Mastery: CEFR Level C2 

C2 proficiency is the highest English level available, earning the designation “mastery.” It means that the English user is on par with a native speaker (although not quite “native”), with complete confidence and command of the language. C2 English users are at ease writing or speaking about any topic, with subtle expression and coherent delivery. You can also read and understand speech without difficulty. C2 indicates that you have very few (if any) limitations when it comes to conducting your daily life in English and that you are extremely comfortable using it in an academic or professional setting. By C2, you should have a working vocabulary of around 16000 words. It takes between 1,000—1,200 hours to study the language to pass the C2 Cambridge examination.

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