During the closure of Coronavirus, WhatsApp is one of the easiest and safest apps to stay connected with friends and family. WhatsApp Group Chat is a popular WhatsApp feature that allows you to connect with a group of people. If you are using WhatsApp, you are already familiar with the WhatsApp group. It is a place where you can invite people, and everyone can chat. The WhatsApp group is a great place for event planning, evening planning, or chatting with a colleague.
WhatsApp groups have limited users, however. You are only allowed to have up to 256 people in WhatsApp Group Chat.
Now, if your family members or friends continue to add you to the WhatsApp group and you do not want to be a part of it, you can just stop people from adding you.
You just need to enable Group Privacy settings on your smartphone and no one can add you to a WhatsApp group without your permission.
The new group privacy settings on WhatsApp are available for both Android and iPhone. Here is a step-by-step guide you can enable to enable Group Privacy settings on your smartphone and stop someone from adding you to WhatsApp groups. The most unique way to get out of a group is to use a filter that will eventually prevent strangers or anyone from adding you to an unknown group.
But before you follow the steps given below be sure to install the latest version of WhatsApp on your device.
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This WhatsApp feature will prevent people from adding you to unknown groups
WhatsApp has come up with a few changes to the group chat settings.
With the help of this setting, you will not be able to add any user to the group without your permission.
This feature has been made available by WhatsApp to Android users and iPhone users.
The popular WhatsApp messaging app has come up with a new feature that prevents people from adding you to a new group without your permission. It is a wonderful platform to stay connected and especially during the epidemic, it has helped greatly to keep friends and family together.
But sometimes, this forum is abused and added to unnecessary groups with malicious people and sometimes you can be added to the group to sell products or promote services. This is very annoying as you may not hear from that group without your permission. The most unique way to get out of a group is to use a filter that will eventually prevent strangers or anyone from adding you to an unknown group.
WhatsApp has come up with a few changes to the group chat settings and you can easily protect your privacy. With the help of this setting, you will not be able to add any user to the group without your permission. This feature has been made available by WhatsApp to Android users and iPhone users. This setting allows users to set who can add you to groups and, by default, the setting is set to ‘Everyone’, which means anyone with your phone number can add you to a group.
Remarkably, if you change the setting, group managers can provide you with an invitation link that can let you know if you have joined the group.
Here’s how to prevent random people from adding you to a WhatsApp group
Click the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
Click Settings and then click Account.
Click Privacy> Groups. The default setting will probably be set to ‘Everyone’.
Choose from three options – ‘Everyone’, ‘My Contacts’, and ‘External Contacts’
The ‘Everyone’ option allows any user with your phone number to add you to a group without your permission.
The ‘My Contacts’ option only allows users to add you to groups you have stored their numbers in your contacts list.
Although the last option ‘Without Contacts’ allows you to choose who can add you to groups by allowing you to further sort and remove the contacts you do not want to be added to the group.
How to stop others from adding you to WhatsApp groups using Android
If you are an Android user, you can follow the steps given below to stop people from joining WhatsApp groups.
Step 1: Open WhatsApp on your Android smartphone.
Step 2: On the Home page press Menu (three-dot icon at the top right)
Step 3: From releasing the tap menu Settings.
Step 4: On the new page press Account and then Privacy.
Step 5: Scroll down the Groups and select one of the three options provided.
If you choose the option for everyone then anyone can add you to the groups
If you select the My Contacts option, only contacts can add you to WhatsApp groups
The third option, Out of Contacts, allows you to allow only selected people to add you to WhatsApp groups.
You can select individual contacts or you can even select all the contacts by tapping the Select All icon at the top right. If you are an iPhone user you need to follow different steps. Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow.
How to stop others from adding you to WhatsApp groups on iPhone
Follow the steps given below to prevent others from joining WhatsApp groups.
Step 1: Open WhatsApp on your iPhone and in the bar below.
Step 2: From the options provided press Settings.
Step 3: Next, tap Account> Privacy> Groups.
Step 4: As an Android, you need to choose one of the three options provided, Everyone, My Contacts, and My External Contacts.
Here you can also select individual contacts or simply select all contacts by tapping the Select All button in the bottom right. Therefore, by following the steps given above you are preventing the WhatsApp group from adding you,
However, in the past WhatsApp used to allow anyone to add anyone to the WhatsApp group, as long as they had someone else’s contact number. But after getting a lot of user feedback, that random person adds others to random WhatsApp groups. WhatsApp has released these group privacy settings for everyone.
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