Looking for inner peace and happiness? Inner peace signifies you have a sense of harmony, fulfillment and emotional well-being in the lifeline despite the current struggles (loss, money, relationships, etc). You do attain this by practicing acceptance of yourself and the universe around you, engaged in meditation and mindfulness.
Table of Contents
Practicing Acceptance
Taking a personal inventory. Acceptance of yourself is important to the promotion of inner peace as it enables us to be alright with what is presently happening no matter what the situation. If we tried to ignore pain we might only enhance it. You begin by practicing acceptance of yourself by taking a personal inventory- what you look like, who you are, what you’ve done and how you feel.
• Pen up a personal inventory of the personality, characteristics (positive ones and ones you need to work on), appearance and actions. Making a point to accept each and every chunk of the inventory – even the stuff you are not pleased with. Forgiving yourself for the wrongs you did if you need to, and aim on what you could do today to better yourself.
• Take an inventory of the aims. Having aspirations and dreams is sometimes what keeps us moving forward in self-acceptance. Set personal aims for yourself and move towards them every day. Some examples of personal aims include: exercising more often, losing weight, and eating healthier, picking up a new hobby (like playing the instrument), or watching less TV. On a regular basis, asking yourself if what you did is presently in line with your values and goals.
Aim on what you are thankful for. One pathway to practice acceptance of your life is to be thankful for what you have instead of aiming for what you do not have.
• You do even generate a digital gratitude journal wired through org and sharing the thoughts to others.
Give up control over things you can’t change. As humans, we are often required to sway others (what they do or how they act) and our environments (world, home, work, school, and society). We want the spouse to be a better human, our boss to be nicer, our house to be washed, and vaporize to evaporate. This is likely as we fear the unknown, or what we could not control, including our own transience. Unfortunately, we could not always control the outcomes. Eventually, we will not control what others feel, think, or do.
• Aim only on what you do control. Ask yourself, “What could I do in this circumstance? If you can’t alter it then accept it and let it go.
Aim on right now. Mindfulness does support increased inner peace. Mindfulness is being conscious of the present moment, instead of thinking about the future and past. Thinking of the past may lead to depressed mood and regrets, and thinking about the future does increase worry and anxiety. Being completely present in the moment does increase the emotions of satisfaction.
Increase your awareness.
Mindfulness is about getting a bigger consciousness, your awareness of yourself and the world around you. You can become more aware by focusing growth taking control of the attention.
Observe your thoughts. Notice what thoughts come into your brain, like clouds pass on through the sky, without clinging, judging, and rejecting them. Simply letting them pass through the brain.
• When you have a thought, observe it, and then let it go.
Engage in mindfulness exercises. Mindfulness techniques are a good pathway to practice mindfulness.
• You can explore many more mindfulness exercises online by conducting the google search, or locate videos on YouTube.
Explore the peaceful zone. Meditation is connected with silent reflection. First, explore a great environment for meditation; this could be a silent room, a sitting near a stream in the woods and peaceful meadow. Removing yourself from the rest of the universe if you can.
• You might explore this supportful to do before you go to sleep.
Limit out distractions and get comfy. Close windows and doors, and dim harsh lights. Limit noise levels, clutter, and traffic. Lighting an aromatic candle if you desire.
• Asking others for this time alone. Placing a do not disturb sign on the door to the room.
• Rest on the bed, in a chair, on the grass and a blanket. You are also selected to sit with the legs crossed.
Close your eyes and start the meditation. Meditation could be done with eyes closed or open, but for beginners it could be easy with closed eyes in order to limit outside distractions.
• It’s natural for your brain to wander – do not over-discipline. Brilliant plans might arise from a wandering mind.
• After meditating, record some feelings or thoughts that might be supportful or of interest. Write the time and date to review growth.
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