8 Essential Tips For Basic Laptop Troubleshooting

8 Essential Tips For Basic Laptop Troubleshooting

Close any other open programs to free up RAM.

Random Access Memory is used by every application (RAM). The more software you use on your computer, the more RAM it consumes. This can be especially troublesome if you’re utilizing older PCs with limited RAM. If a software program refuses to load or runs slowly, the first step is to close all other open apps. Both Windows and Macintosh operating systems (OS) include tools that display this information if you wish to find out which open applications are eating your RAM:

  • Ctrl+Alt+Delete on Windows, then select the Start Task Manager option. Click the Processes tab, then the Memory menu item, in the window that displays. 
  • This classifies all open processes according to how much RAM they’re using. Ending a runaway process is as simple as clicking the End Process button. Before you do so, you should do some study on the procedure to make sure you don’t mistakenly halt a crucial process or program.
  • Use the Activity Monitor in Mac OS X. (called the Process Viewer in older versions of OS X). Navigate to Applications > Utilities to get the Activity Monitor. After opening the Activity Monitor, sort apps by RAM usage by clicking the “Real Memory” column.

Relaunch the software.

Software issues can arise from a clash with another application or from challenges the software encountered during startup. Shutting down and restarting the program will occasionally alleviate these issues.

Power off and restart your computer.

If restarting the troublesome program does not solve the problem, restart your computer. Re-launch the application in issue after the computer has completely rebooted to determine if the problem has been resolved.

Use the Internet to locate assistance.

Whatever software issues you encounter, chances are it has happened to someone else. So there’s a decent chance you’ll be able to get assistance on the Internet. Here are a few places to begin:

Look for solutions: Include the name and version of the software program, the difficulty you encountered, and the circumstances surrounding the problem in your search engine inquiry. Enter the precise error message wording, as well as the name of the program, if you received one.

Examine the vendor’s website: Most software suppliers offer some type of product support, such as frequently asked questions, product documentation, or user discussion forums.

Online provides a list of more websites that provide technology tutorials, articles, and discussion forums.

Revert any recent hardware or software modifications.

Changes in software and hardware can occasionally result in software issues such as:

Other software conflicts: Newly installed software may conflict with other software. Symantec Norton Antivirus, for example, may clash with competing antivirus software. If you recently installed another antivirus application and Norton Antivirus is no longer functioning properly, removing the other antivirus product may resolve your issue.

Modifications to computer settings: Revert any recent modifications to your computer’s settings and relaunch the software. For example, the Windows Control Panel has a “Set Program Access and Defaults” option that allows you to restrict access to specific applications. If you mistakenly disable program access here, the software may not execute. Conflicts with newly installed or incorrectly configured gear such as scanners and printers. If you’ve just attached new hardware to one of your PCs, detach it and see if that resolves the software problem.

Uninstall and then reinstall the software.

Software issues can arise when important application files are removed, modified, or deleted. Many Windows applications, for example, rely on Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files to carry out essential functions. Several apps will frequently use the same DLL file. If you recently removed the software from your computer, you may have also removed DLL files on which another program depends. Similarly, installing an application may result in the addition or updating of DLL files. Applications that rely on such DLL files may become unstable or cease to function entirely.

To check that all necessary files are present, uninstall the affected software fully and then reinstall it. Even if you uninstall an application using its built-in uninstall wizard (if it has one). It’s still a good idea to search your hard drive’s Software Files folder — normally found on the C drive — for any remaining vestiges of the program and remove any files or folders you find. Check to see whether a new version of the program is available before reinstalling. The vendor or developer may have implemented bug patches that solve the issue you’re experiencing.

Check for program updates.

Bugs can also be fixed by software providers sending patches, which are tiny software upgrades that address known issues. Even if you’re running the most recent version of the software, a more recent patch may be available for it.

Run a virus and malware scan.

Viruses, spyware, and other harmful software (or “malware”) can cause the software to freeze, crash, or stop working completely. If solutions 1–8 haven’t solved your software problem, you may want to scan the computer with both antivirus and anti-malware software to detect and remove viruses and malware. Use the most thorough scan mode available, and remember to restart your machine if any dangers are discovered by the antivirus or anti-malware tools.

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