How to convert JPEG to PNG for free on mobile, laptop, and desktop



  • JPG / JPEG is popular, but PNG gives you ‘lost’ images
  • PNG image does not lose quality any time you open or save it again
  • We are looking at a few ways you can convert JPG to PNG for free

If you are looking for ways to convert JPEG to PNG, you are in the right place, my friend! This article covers a few ways to convert JPEG files into PNG on Windows / macOS laptops, Android phones, and iPhones. The process of converting JPG to PNG is as simple as converting PNG to JPG. You can use an online conversion tool or built-in options for Windows and macOS to save a JPEG file as PNG. PNG aka Portable Network Graphic is best known for its online graphics with its ability to publicly support browsers. Although its size is larger than JPG, PNG uses a non-invasive conversion that does not compromise quality no matter how often you open or store it. Before we look at how to convert JPG to PNG, you should know that JPGs are files that are lost and may lose some quality in their initial compression.

How to Convert JPEG to PNG on Windows Laptops / PCs

How to Convert JPEG to PNG on Windows Laptops

Windows laptop / PC lets you convert JPG to PNG with more than one option. You can use built-in tools like Paint and Snipping Tool or download a third-party app called IrfanView. No matter what tool you use, the process of converting JPEG to PNG on Windows laptops / PCs will remain the same.

Open the image, go to ‘File’ or click the 3-dot icon, then select ‘Save as’

A small window will appear allowing you to change the name, select the drive where you want to save the file, and then select Format.

Under the format, you will see ‘PNG’, click on it to save the JPG image as PNG to Windows laptop / PC.

How to convert JPG to PNG in macOS

You can convert the PNG file to JPEG in macOS using the preview application. To do so

How to convert JPG to PNG in macOS

JPG converter to PNG

Open the image you want to convert to PNG from JPG at a preview

Go to the ‘File’ section of the menu bar, then select ‘Send’

A window will appear that will allow you to set the name of the posted image, select a location, and then select ‘Save as type’

Click on ‘JPEG’ from the drop-down menu

This way you will be able to create a JPG file from PNG offline on all laptops / PCs with MacOS

How to convert JPEG to PNG online

A JPG file can be converted to PNG online using one of the many file conversion sites available on the web. We will tell you how to do that with the jpg2png website. You can use the same website to convert JPG to PNG online or the one of your choice, but the steps will always be very similar.

How to convert JPEG to PNG online

Convert JPEG  to PNG

  • First, go to in your device’s web browser
  • Click ‘Upload files’ and add the image you want to convert to PNG from JPG. You can select up to 20 images at a time
  • Photos will upload, compress, and give you a download option
  • Click the ‘Download All’ button to save the converted PNG image to your device
  • Images will come in a zip folder. You can use any zip extractor tool to access files
  • Things you need to know about the JPG to PNG web tool: all sent/uploaded data is deleted after an hour and can convert PNG to JPEG, HEIC to JPG, and WebP to JPG. The beauty of converting JPG to PNG online is that you can use it on any device, including Android phones, iPhone, and laptops, with a browser that supports download.

How to Convert JPEG to PNG on Android Mobiles / iPhones

How to Convert JPEG to PNG on Android Mobiles

There is no traditional way to convert JPG to PNG on Android phones / iPhones. However, there are plenty of apps in the Google App Store and App Store that are happy to do just that. Just search for ‘JPG to PNG’ in the relevant OS app stores and download the app with the highest rate and best updates. You can also use web-based file conversion sites like to convert JPG to PNG for mobile.

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